*WHO WILL DELIVER THE DELIVERER: A CONSIDERATE EXCURSUS ON PMB* by *Daniel Adefare* *"...prayers, intercessions...be made for kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life...."* If we pray for those in authority, we are assured of a peaceable life. This prevailing issue of our ailing president does not unconcern us. Prior to this time, I wasn't a fan of Buhari, but overtime, as a young man, I imagined him to be my father and everything changed. Arguably, most of us don't like him, but could we please, start to imagine for few minutes, if he was our DAD. When your dad or mum is sick, nothing around you would matter anymore. Huhn😳🙄 *My fellow good Nigerians*, the earlier we start seeing true picture of the situation, the better for things to turn out fine at the end. Let us start to remember President Mohammadu Buhari in our hearts and prayers. Let us pray for him not only as our President, but also as our father, brother, uncle or husband. I hope my little charge on this national issue makes meaning to you. Regardless of our tribes or genealogies, let's have a rethink and spend part of our time to pray for our leaders (most especially PMB) and thus contribute our own quota to good governance. *All will be well* NIGERIA! Great People.. NIGERIA! Great Nation..


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